TTGO T-Display

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Pin Diagram

T-Display Pinout

Setting up Arduino IDE

  1. Download and install the Arduino IDE from, or from your system’s package manager.

  2. Download the additional libraries from, and copy the folder named TFT_eSPI into your ~\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ folder (on Linux this may be ~/Arduino/libraries).

  3. Open Arduino and select Tools > Board: > Boards Manager…

  4. From Boards Manager, search for esp32 and click Install.

  5. Once it is installed, close Boards Manager then select Tools > Board: > ESP32 Arduino > TTGO Lora32-OLED V1.

  6. Plug the board into your PC with a USB cableand wait for any drivers to install. Go to Tools > Port: and select the COM port for your T-Display. If Arduino IDE can’t find the port for your board, you may need to download nad install the UART driver from